write us
contact us
If you agree with our goals and feel our association a good initiative, please support us in order to make even more professional and enjoyable simulation competitions in the future. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Official Name
Tárgyalási Szimulációs Társaság Közhasznú Egyesület
H-1136, Budapest Tátra utca 5. D.
Tax number
Bank & Account
OTP Bank Nyrt. 11709002-20129484
IBAN: HU43 1170 9002 2012 9484 0000 0000
For further information call us on : +36 30 682 4638 or contact directly our Presidency
Ádám Horváth | President | adam.horvath@negomoot.eu | +32 496 26 36 80
János Sarkantyú | Vice President | janos.sarkantyu@negomoot.eu | +36 70 425 9709
Zoltán Lukács | Secretary General | zoltan.lukacs@negomoot.eu | +36 30 516 2125